This is the story of how and why women’s full participation in leadership matters is still seemingly a well-kept secret. To have the future we all want, women must play a more robust role in setting priorities and allocating resources. “Women Lead the Way” presents argument, research, and tactical guidance to help readers wedge the door open and bring more women through and up. The evidence from around the world validates the findings of the United Nations General Assembly in 19…
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Itzel says
As a young professional, this book gives me a framework for my future with concrete steps and helpful resources that I can go back to. I am inspired by Tarr-Whelan’s approach to adjusting the current expectations around how a leader should lead including her 30% solution. I can’t wait to get started on Monday!
Yuichi says
Women Lead the Way is a powerful analysis of the status of women in the world. But it is truly groundbreaking in one way that many previous books of its type are not:
it provides a concrete guideline as to how EVERY women, regardless of where you are in your life – student, homemaker, career woman, or retiree – can impact the status quo and contribute to the advancement of women. Each reader should pay special attention to the “This Week I Will…” boxes. Easy tips on how each of us can make a difference.
Tabor says
Powerful insights from a powerful human being. Linda Tarr-Whelan has made an invaluable contibution to understanding and celebrating the often unrecognized achievements of women and even more importantly she lays out common sense approaches for all of us to step forward and realize their leadership potential in the future. A good read. An important and well told story.