If you need help making investments, read the Anatomy of Investing. The author gives concise information on the ins and outs of doing so. Filled with informative facts for those new to investing, it is an excellent resource for the seasoned investor as well. The author, Dean Junkans approaches investment concepts in a way that can be applied to anyone¿s situation and level of experience.
Jaeger says
How much we need a simple, honest, clear-eyed view of investments right now! During these trying economic times, Dean Junkan’s “Rule of 110” from his book The Anatomy of Investing gives you the ability to sleep at night. Psychologists and drug manufacturers beware. This book will keep people from getting depressed about their financial state by giving them the antidote to fear – solid facts.
Reading this book gives you a common sense understanding on a healthy approach to investing. I’ve never seen these concepts put together in one place like this. I will keep it close at hand to reference on a continual basis. Financial advisors should give this book to each of their clients to insure full comprehension of critical discussions.