Larry Williams’s The Right Stock at the Right Time: Prospering in the Coming Goods Years is a marriage of investment advice with attempts at formalizing what is, essentially, market speculation. The first three chapters trace cyclical behavior over the history of the U.S. stock market, behavior that Williams summarizes as the “10-year pattern,” the “sure thing seven years,” “the four-year phenomenon,” the “straight eight factor,” and “the October effect.” Pulling these a…
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Opportunity Investing: How To Profit When Stocks Advance, Stocks Decline, Inflation Runs Rampant, Prices Fall, Oil Prices Hit the Roof, … and Every Time in Between
From Publishers Weekly
While Appel’s previous books offered advice on technical analysis of stocks and price movement charts aimed at aggressive day traders, this one covers tamer versions of those strategies for conservative retail investors. Despite the sensational subtitle, the advice is generally solid, calling for broad diversification with a little excitement from a moderate level of turnover. However, unlike conventional wisdom, which advises buy-and-hold diversification, the…
Buy Opportunity Investing: How To Profit When Stocks Advance, Stocks Decline, Inflation Runs Rampant, Prices Fall, Oil Prices Hit the Roof, … and Every Time in Between at Amazon