The idea of sustainability has been embraced enthusiastically by some businesses and rejected by others. The first wave of corporate converts to sustainability was perhaps driven by a public relations crisis, regulatory pressures or the founder’s personal passion. The next wave, however, requires different drivers if it is to build a critical mass for corporate responsibility in the business community. The Next Sustainability Wave assesses why companies have resisted sustainabi…
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The Sustainability Revolution: Portrait of a Paradigm Shift
Sustainability has become a buzzword in the last decade, but its full meaning is complex, emerging from a range of different sectors. In practice, it has become the springboard for millions of individuals throughout the world who are forging the fastest and most profound social transformation of our time-the sustainability revolution. The Sustainability Revolution paints a picture of this largely unrecognized phenomenon from the point of view of five major sectors of society: …
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Corporate Sustainability Planning Assessment Guide: A Comprehensive Organizational Assessment
Corporate sustainability planning has risen in prominence over the past few years among leading organizations as a tool to achieve strategic dominance within the global marketplace. This manual is designed to serve as an easy-to-use guide for an organization s cross-functional self-assessment team(s) to assess and score its corporate sustainability efforts. This manual can be used to provide a due diligence for an organization s corporate sustainability efforts, and to provide a…
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Ethics, CSR, & Sustainability:: An Aristotelian Vision, Mission, And Strategy For The Global Economy And A Sustainable Planet
Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, & Sustainability is a practical guide to business ethics, offering universal guidelines on strategies, choosing a professional board, establishing sound oversight practices, and being a good environmental neighbor. The book illustrates how Classical philosophies and the spirit of Eudaimonia can be incorporated into corporate principles.
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