You don’t need an accounting degree to get a grip on your finances! Most people give up on money management for the same reason they quit dieting-it’s just too hard to manage all the details, so they forget it altogether. But handling your personal finances doesn’t require complicated budgets or technical spreadsheets. Economist William Wood says that it’s better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing at all. Rather than tracking every penny, we’re better off followi…
Buy Getting a Grip on Your Money: A Plain & Simple Christian Guide to Managing Personal Finances, Eliminating Debt, Spending, Saving & Giving, Investing for the Future at Amazon
How Buffett Does It: 24 Simple Investing Strategies from the World’s Greatest Value Investor
A concise, no-nonsense rulebook for investors looking to achieve Buffett-like results Warren Buffett is one of the wealthiest investor in the world. Millions of independent investors follow his every move. But why Buffett? What signs does he see that others miss? And more important, what can investors do to follow Buffett’s path to investment and financial success? How Buffett Does It explores the 24 primary rules Buffett has followed from day one, and that people from market n…
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Stock Trading Riches: The Simple, But Powerful Formula That Transforms Your Stock Picks Into Money Pumps
In today’s world of instant trade execution, sophisticated analysis, global markets, and 24/7 news, traders and investors still routinely fail to beat the market. The brutal fact is that a free market is about price discovery. A market works like an organism – “consuming” new fundamental and technical information and rendering it ineffective. A 30-day moving average may make money for a while – until the market “digests” this parameter. Today’s report on CNBC is already reflected …
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