Stock market interest dwindles
The number of people planning to invest in the stock market has halved during the past six months, despite the recent market rally, research has shown.
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Investment strategy | Investing online | Stock market investing
Stock market interest dwindles
The number of people planning to invest in the stock market has halved during the past six months, despite the recent market rally, research has shown.
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Foreigners pile into Britain’s cut-price commercial property market
Australians, Germans, Norwegians, Lebanese, Ukrainians and even Libyans are among the nationalities coveting British commercial property.
Read more on Independent
China Tries to Tame its Swinging Stock Market
Equity index futures trading could come in March as the next step in a gradual regulatory effort to ease bold fluctuations in Chinese markets
Read more on BusinessWeek
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From Publishers Weekly
Marketers have always honed in on women, the primary household consumers, but charitable and political organizations have long been less savvy. Target women to garner donations or votes, urge Witter and Chen; female consumers and citizens are not a niche audience but the audience to reach and win over. Women’s economic clout grows larger every year, and though they tend to be distrustful of the political process, they vote in large numbers and can tip elect…
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From Publishers Weekly
We like to think not only that mathematicians are smarter than the rest of us but that by dint of their mastery of numbers, they hold the key to understanding the baffling mysteries of the universe. Alas, Paulos (Innumeracy) says that’s not always the case. As the author relates in this funny, insightful little volume about attempts to bring order and science to the free-for-all that is the stock market, he himself was once a big investor (in WorldCom). De…
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