A step-by-step guide to designing environmentally friendly commercial interiors. Millions of people in the U.S. workforce rely on interior designers to create environments that make them happy and productive, as well as promote their safety and well-being. Sustainable Commercial Interiors provides an engaging introduction to and exploration of the vast field of sustainable design as it specifically relates to commercial interior spaces. In Sustainable Commercial In…
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Tina says
Very detailed guide to designing environmentally friendly commercial interiors. Too much information at the first sight and probably for cost / print aspects many photos in small size let one resist to work with it. Therefore the book is not easy to handle in the beginning. But the clear structured table of contents, index and glossary lead you through it in a most helpful way. And the thorough research with very useful web-links make it even valuable for green techies and sophisticated sympathizers and give the reader a full picture of what’s going on in sustainable design and indoor environment.